Bishop Paul-Marwan Tabet


Born on July 20, 1961, in Bhamdoun, Lebanon.

He entered the Congregation of the Lebanese Maronite Missionaries in 1980, and was ordained a priest on July 20, 1986.

He holds bachelor degrees in Theology (1986) and Philosophy (1988) from Holy Spirit University, Kaslik (Lebanon). He speaks French, English and Arabic.

Subsequently, while serving as resident priest at St-Anthony’s Parish in Lawrence, Massachussets, he learned English and acquired a Master’s degree in Non-Profit Organizations. After moving to Dallas, where he established the Maronite parish of Our Lady of Lebanon, he also earned a Master’s degree in political philosophy.

His religious community then sent him to South Africa as Superior of the Maronite Mission where he also received a doctorate in school administration from the University of South Africa (UNISA). Bishop Tabet has served as High School Assistant Director of the Collège des Apôtres in Jounieh (Lebanon), a school managed by his religious community.

In 2002, he was chosen as Regional Secretary for the Middle East and North Africa of the International Office of Catholic Education (MENA-OIEC).

In 2003, he was elected Secretary General of Catholic schools in Lebanon by the Assembly of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops of Lebanon (APECL). He was reelected to this office 2 other terms (2006-2009) and (2009-2011). He coordinated Pope Benedictus XVI apostolic journey to Lebanon in September 2012.

Member of different ecclesiastical, social and cultural organisms, he published numerous Academic books, publications and articles in the educational, managerial and pastoral fields.

Bishop Tabet becomes the Eparch of the Eparchy of Saint Maron in Canada since January 26, 2013.

He was installed at the Cathedral of Saint Maron, Montreal, on February 24th, 2013

Coat of Arms

Papal decree of promulgation

Benedictus Bishop, Servant of the servants of God,

To our dear son Marwan Tabet, M.L., currently Counsellor General of the Lebanese Missionaries, elected bishop of the Eparchy of Saint-Maron – Montreal, for the Maro­nites.

‘‘The traditions and the many ecclesiastical institutions attest how highly the Eastern Churches are regarded by the universal Church‘‘. (OrientaliumEcclesiarum 5).

Ourselves, successor by Divine Grace, of the blessed Peter, head of the universal Church, we hold this ecclesiastical and spiritual heritage, not only in respect, but we are working diligently to its safeguard and development. Considering with great zeal, the pastoral needs of the faithful of these churches, we have presently on mind the spiritual journey of Saint-Maron flock – Montreal of Maronites, whose Bishop, our Reverend Brother Joseph Khoury, has resigned from the sacred mission of its govern­ment. We then thought of you, dear son, whom are eminently distinguished by your diligent enthousiasm, both in your Congregation, as in your work in education, and more so in service of the Maronite emigrants. Therefore, and according to the stance of the Congregation of Oriental Churches, we appoint you, by our Apostolic Authority, Bishop of the Eparchy of Saint-Maron in Montreal, for the Maronites, granting you all the powers and charges inherent to this appointment, in accordance with the code requirements of Canons of the Eastern Churches. As for your ordination, profession of faith and promise obedience to us and our successors, you must observe to the letter the standards of the related Codes.

We urge you to relate to the flock entrusted to your care, clergy and faithful, the content of our present decree. We also urge them to faithfully devote themselves under your direction, to every good work, in the name of Christ, and to constantly grow in truth and charity.

Given in Rome, at St. Peter, the tenth of the month of January, year 2013, the eighth of Our Pontificate.

Source: Eparchy of Saint Maron Canada – Bishop Paul-Marwan Tabet

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Church