Maronite Liturgical Year

Maronite Liturgical Year

Sunday of the Church

Consecration of the Church Sunday
Dedication of the Church Sunday

Season of the Glorious Birth of Our Lord

First Sunday of Announcement: Announcement to Zechariah
Second Sunday of Announcement: Announcement to Mary
Third Sunday of Announcement: Visitation to Elizabeth
Fourth Sunday of Announcement: Birth of John the Baptizer
Fifth Sunday of Announcement: Revelation to Joseph
Sunday before the Birth of our Lord: Genealogy Sunday

Birth of Our Lord

(First Sunday after the Birth of our Lord)
Sunday of the Finding in the Temple

Season of the Glorious Epiphany

First to Fifth Sundays of Epiphany
Sunday of Deceased Priests
Sunday of the Righteous and Just
Sunday of the Faithful Departed

Three Weeks of Commemorations

The Commemoration of the Priests.
The Commemoration of the Righteous and the Just.
The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed.

Season of Great Lent

Cana Sunday: Entrance into Lent
Second Sunday of Lent: Sunday of the Leper
Third Sunday of Lent: Sunday of the Hemorrhaging Woman
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Sunday of the Paralytic
Hosanna Sunday – Sixth Sunday of Lent: Sunday of Bartimaeus the Blind

Passion Week

Monday of Passion Week
Tuesday of Passion Week
Wednesday of Passion Week
Thursday of Mysteries
Great Friday of the Crucifixion
Great Saturday of the Light

Season of Resurrection

Resurrection of our Lord
First Sunday of the Resurrection: New Sunday
Second to Fifth Sundays of the Resurrection
Ascension Thursday: Ascension of our Lord
Sixth Sunday of the Resurrection: Sunday after Ascension

Season of Glorious Pentecost

Pentecost Sunday.

The Most Holy Trinity, the Sunday after Pentecost, is celebrated only on this Sunday.

During the Season of Pentecost, the Services for Sunday – Saturday, taken either from Week A or Week B, are celebrated until the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Season after Pentecost

First to Sixth Sundays after Pentecost

Season of the Holy Cross

Exaltation of the Holy Cross
First to Fourteenth Sundays after Holy Cross

Additional Resources (Maronite Music)

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Church