The Epiphany of the Lord (The Adoration of the Magi)

The Epiphany of the Lord (The Adoration of the Magi)

January 6, 2025

The Epiphany of the Lord (The Adoration of the Magi) will be celebrated at Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Church on January 6

In the eastern parts, particularly in Persia, Magi was the title they gave to their wise men and philosophers. In what veneration they were is silent as to their number. The general opinion, supported by the authority of St. Leo, Caesarius, Bede, and others, declares for three. However, the number was small, comparatively to those many others that saw that star, no less than the wise men, but paid no regard to this voice of heaven: admiring, no doubt, its uncommon brightness, but culpably ignorant of the divine call in it, or hardening their hearts against its salutary impressions, overcome by their passions, and the dictates of self-love. In like manner do Christians, from the same causes, turn a deaf ear to the voice of divine grace in their souls, and harden their hearts against it in such numbers, that, notwithstanding their call, their graces, and the mysteries wrought in .their favour, it is to be feared, that even among them, many are called, but few are chosen. It was the case with the Jews, with the most of whom, St. Paul says, God was not well pleased. How opposite was the conduct of the wise men! Instead of being swayed by the dictates of self-love, by the example of the crowd, and of many reputed moral men among them, they no sooner discovered the heavenly messenger, but, without the least demur, set out on their journey to find the Redeemer of their souls. Convinced that they had a call from heaven by the star, which spoke to their eyes, and by an inward grace, that spoke to their hearts, they cut off all worldly consultations, human reasonings, and delays, and posponed every thing of this kind to the will of God. Neither any affairs to be left unfinished, there held appears from the most important affairs, sacred and civil, being committed to their administration. They were deemed the oracles of the eastern countries. These that came to Bethlehem on this solemn occasion are vulgarly called kings, as they very likely were, at least of an inferior and subordinate rank...nor the care of their provinces or families, nor the difficulties and dangers of a long and tedious journey through deserts and mountains almost impassable, and this in the worst season of the year, and through a country which in all ages had been notoriously infested with robbers: nothing of all this, or the many other false lights of worldly prudence and policy, made use of, no doubt, by their counsellors and dependents, and magnified by the enemy of souls, could prevail with them to set aside or defer their journey; or be thought deserving the least attention, when God called. They well knew that so great a grace, if slighted, might perhaps have been lost for ever. With what confusion must not this their active and undaunted zeal cover our sloth and cowardice!

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Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Church